Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Full List

Thirty by 30

1. Teach a college class
2. Begin a PhD program
3. Quit smoking
4. Complete a 5K race
5. Pay off two smaller student loan balances
6. Start a retirement account
7. Submit a letter to a public official
8. Volunteer with a local non-profit
9. Complete a painting and give it away
10. Visit Washington D.C.
11. Learn basic conversation skills in a foreign language (not Spanish)
12. Write a letter to someone I admire
13. Donate blood
14. Go geocaching
15. Visit a psychic
16. Take a vacation with friend(s)
17. Prepare dinner for a week from scratch
18. Read three books (1 fiction, 1 non-fiction, 1 other)
19. Get another tattoo
20. Become an active member of a church
21. Make my own beer
22. Learn HTML and SQL
23. Take my parents to dinner
24. Go kayaking
25. Learn basic sign language
26. Go to a symphony performance
27. Grow my own food
28. Design a t-shirt and wear it in public
29. Read the entire Bible
30. Hike a mountain

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